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Sensuousness and clarity, clever details and plenty of storage space. All this comes naturally to Iveo – in the form of roomy ledges on the washbasins, spacious pullouts and cabinets, elegant long-line handles in various versions and a movable magnetic light on the large round mirror.

burgbad Iveo unterschrank schublade
burgbad Iveo kleinbad
bb Iveo schrank OSIL035 UHHY035
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› Washbasins
› Mirror cabinets
› Mirrors
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Take a closer look at Iveo.
Choose which basins, furniture and other elements you want for your bathroom.


Big ideas for fast movers – even in small bathrooms. Iveo is available for delivery within just a few days. The furniture and vanity units are compatible with all sorts of furnishing concepts and make a big impact even in small bathrooms. The ledges, vanity cabinets, shelves, tall and mid-height cabinets allow for an attractive mix of open display and closed storage space.

bb Iveo waschtisch SIHH110 SFEO120